More Information
Instructor Pre-Screen
All applicants must have the following before being considered by the Board of Advisors for the EFA-USA Training course:
1. Must be over the age of 18 and a high school graduate or acceptable level of experience and education. Teens aged 14-17 may be considered however would carry the title of Junior Instructor and would be required to co-teach with a senior instructor until they are 18 years of age. This is not only for insurance purposes, but also to ensure the success of the young instructor.
2. Must have significant experience and comfort in handling and working with horses of all ages, breeds and temperaments. This may be in a specific sport or discipline, groom, breeding background, pleasure rider, police work, or the like.
3. Must be able to participate in learning situations that require skills in observation, visual, auditory and tactile information gathering.
4. Must demonstrate the ability to safely perform hands on assessment/ demonstration with a live horse, including lifting feet and touching all parts of the body.
5. Must be able to lift more than 40 lbs and be able to stand for more than 7 hours consecutively.
5. Must demonstrate the application of good judgement and prompt completion of all responsibilities related to the care and safety of both horse and human.
6. Must be willing able to adhere to the EFAI Code of Ethics.
Our Code Of Ethics
1. The EFAI will at all times consider the needs and safety of the horse(s) while teaching first aid, in order to ensure proper care and treatment of the horse.
2. The EFAI is not a Doctor of Veterinarian Medicine and will not identify him or herself in any such capacity, nor diagnose illness or condition nor provide advice nor administer medications.
3. Horses are living, breathing, reacting animals. While teaching, the EFAI will consider the safety of the students at all times.
4. The EFAI is representing EFA-USA and will strive to maintain the high standards set for EFA Instructors.
5. The EFAI is responsible for ensuring that all students leave his or her course with an acceptable level of understanding of the course content.
6. The EFAI will strive to improve his or her equine knowledge and skills, and is encouraged to collaborate with other professionals in the equine world.
7. The EFAI is entitled to charge fees for professional services, however regardless of fees charged or received, the quality of instruction must be maintained with the usual professional standard.
8. The EFAI will carry personal liability teaching insurance and will present to host and/or student upon request.
9. The EFAI will, at all times, conduct him/herself with the utmost level of professionalism.
Q. Is the tuition tax deductible?
A. YES! It May be claimed as a business expense.
Q. How long will it take me to recover my investment?
A. You'll earn back your tuition fee with each student you teach, so every instructor is different.
Q. What does my tuition include?
A. Upon completion of an application, interview and self-driven Background Check, we then mail out your pre-course study materials which includes your instructor teaching manuals for basic, advanced, fundamentals, Back Country trail, and I can help (kids manual), The course itself is 3 days in length and is a very BUSY and exhausting (but fun!) time. Training can be Flexable with you traveling to an Affiliate location or arranging for us to travel to you, Many Instructors choose to attend a pre-existing clinic on a training affiliates schedule (preferred so you can see how a class operates in real time) or we can do the bulk of the training online with an arranged day to meet up to cover Hands on Scenarios. Upon graduation you will be awarded a vest with the company logo embroidered on as well as the word 'INSTRUCTOR'. We also provide you with a vital signs kit, course outlines, a PowerPoint presentation that guides you through the courses, a private Facebook instructors group, a private instructor's resource page complete with demonstration videos. You will be 100% set up and ready to teach upon graduation!
Q. When I take the training, do I work for Equi-First Aid?
A. Students who successfully complete the instructor training course become independent from Equi-First Aid, not an employee. Travel and teach when and where and how often you want! We have instructors across the United States.
Q. Do I have to find my own courses to teach?
A. Yes and No. The bulk of your Student and Host locations will come from your connections in the equine world and your marketing efforts, however it is not uncommon for referrals to come in to our instructor team through the head office from time to time.
Q. Are there territories?
A. No. Territories are unnecessary. Not only do we currently offer 7 different training courses, but there are nearly 5 million people involved with horses in the United States, so there is plenty of clients for all our instructors to travel and teach wherever they want!
Q. Are there payment plans?
A. Yes. You can split the tuition into a maximum of four equal payments. Certification is not awarded, however, until payment is made in full. *Refunds will not be issued to failed or withdrawn students. Tuition is non-transferable*
Q. So how does it 'work' when I teach?
A. Once you have a class scheduled at your own ranch or a host location, we advertise your course on the company website, and you advertise locally. The primary course is offered nation-wide at the standard fee of $169 You collect the fees from your students directly. You then order your course manuals from Head Office at a cost of $40.00 per student (includes their first aid manual, certificate of completion and normal/abnormal card). You will be responsible for your own teaching insurance and soft goods.
Q. Do I have to re-certify at any point?
A. Yes, your certification is valid for 3 years. After 3 years you can re-certify via online exam, to obtain your lifetime certification and senior instructor status. This is a one-time cost of $299 and includes a short online exam.
Q. What kind of support do I have?
A. We really are a family. We have a private instructor only portal where you can download handouts, sample forms, emails, photos etc. We also have a closed Facebook group where instructors from across the states can share ideas, stories, and the like.
We also try to have a bi-ennial instructor conference. It isn't mandatory to attend however there is always great camaraderie, learning, updates on new ideas coming through and future programs we are developing, and it is a load of FUN.
Q. Sounds great - how do I register?
A. Click the apply button to start your journey towards your dream job! Or set up a time for a phone call by using the contact us section if you have further questions.
(Make sure you've read the code of ethics form first, as they will form part of your instructor agreement.)
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Please fill out the application below if you are ready to start your New Career!